Join our Team!
International students will experience the unique cultural activity of summer camp! A safe environment that nourishes individual growth and development.

KANDLE employs associates from numerous nations with a focus on South American countries. We understand and respect the contributions of our South American Associates. KANDLE’s Language Club meets regularly throughout the year to improve our Spanish speaking proficiencies. We find comprehension of their native language is important when teaching English as a second language.

Cultural Activities
Cultural Activities are a big part of KANDLE’s camp life. White Water Rafting, Amusement Parks and touring American Parks are a few of the many activities provided by KANDLE at no cost to our participants.
"My experience with KANDLE was incredible, I learned, I developed and I saw that no matter how difficult a team situation is, you can get ahead. No matter what difficult day it is, there will always be a friend who will make you smile despite the highs and lows always being united is the solution. I totally loved my summer and I would love to repeat it again."
- Solans

KANDLE Dining’s salaries for our J-1 students are always above the minimum requirement. Bonuses are frequently given as well as housing and meals are provided. Numerous International Associates have been a part of the KANDLE Team for over four seasons.

"My experience at KANDLE has been incredible, I have had the opportunity to develop both in the work and personal environment. I have lived with people of different nationalities and with whom I shared unforgettable adventures and whom I consider to be part of my family. KANDLE is very considerate with the collaborators and offers many opportunities for growth, my experience with KANDLE has been very satisfactory and I am very grateful to be part of this family."
-Katheryne R.